Specialised Services

Ensure the efficiency of your vessel thought its lifecycle

Specialised Services

Master Divers sister company W.A. Tucker are well placed and experienced to provide Specialized Services in Sri Lanka and regionally during Vessel Stern Tube Seal Replacement and Thruster Service, Repair and Change Outs for Commercial and Naval Vessels, Offshore Supply and Anchor Handing Vessels and Offshore Drilling Units.

As shipping companies continue to grow and expand the reach of their operation, there is growing demand for solutions that optimize operations, increase uptime and ensure long-term visibility into costs

Planned maintenance or in case of emergencies, there is a need for rapid maintenance, repairs and change outs, Master Divers offers turn key logistical and manpower support during the undertaking of service, overhauls and repairs to propulsion systems by the manufacturers trained technicians.

Quote from a recognized International Thruster Manufacturer Our ‘flying squad’ repair technicians are ready to travel the world to bring their propeller and thruster repair capabilities to you anytime, anywhere and at short notice.


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Propeller Polishing

Underwater Inspection

Underwater Inspection in Lieu of Drydocking (UWILD)

Underwater Welding & Cutting

Specialised Services

Ship Repairs & Maintenance

Port & Anchorage Logistics

Floating Fenders Services

ROV Services

Diver Inspection of Pipelines & Cables

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